School Budgets & Impact on Property Taxes

Key Dates
- School Budget Voting Day - This is the third Tuesday in May. All residents who qualify are eligible to vote.
- School property tax bills - Generally mailed at the beginning of September in most communities.
The tax rates and school and municipality budgets (not your assessment) determine how much property owners pay in property taxes. The total tax levy and tax rates can be found on your school, town and, county tax bills or ask your local assessor. The higher the budgets of each municipality, school, fire department, library, etc. become, the higher the tax rate will be, causing you to pay more in taxes.
If you feel your taxes are too high, voice your opinion to your local elected town and school officials, vote in school and town elections and participate in your local government.
Read Article: Assessment Increases and the Amount You Pay in Property Taxes
Public School Enrollment in NYS 2022 - 23 - NYSED Reporting Information
Database - School Spending by County
New York State Property Tax Report Card
NYS School Tax Relief (STAR) Reimbursement by County: Beginning Levy Year 1998
Real Property Tax Cap - School Districts
School district compliance with the property tax cap - NYS
Fact Sheet 21-9: 2021-22 Property Tax Report Cards - NYSUT
2021-22 Property Tax Report Card - NYS School Boards Assn
Proposed School Budgets by County 2020-21 - comparisons with previous year and enrollment changes
Public Records Online Directory
NYS Public School Enrollment 2019 - 2020
NY public schools have lowest enrollment in decades: study by Empire Center - Sep 2019
Overall full-value tax rates by county (all taxing purposes): 2010-2019
NYS School District Tax Rates by Year - NYS Comptroller's Office
Real Property Tax Cap Information - Glossary - From NYS Comptroller's Office